Please help support ECHO Foundation
The ECHO Foundation is a Section 21 Company and is a registered Non Profit Company (NPC).
The Foundation obtains its funding from rentals and levies charged on its property portfolio and fees from its frail care facility. In addition, funds are received from generous benefactors who have either been in the care of ECHO during their life time or have had a loved one cared for by ECHO within its frail care facility.
Without these generous donations the cost of rentals, levies and fees would be considerably higher resulting in undue hardship to the Foundation’s resident base, all of whom are retired. Currently, some 30% of the ECHO residents are in receipt of social pensions.
Should you wish to contribute to the wellbeing of residents, or make a bequest to the ECHO Foundation, please Download the bequest form and complete same and post to:
ECHO Foundation Head office
PO Box 12641
Attention : The CEO
or alternatively, you may fax it through to 041 585 8784, or e-mail it to
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